68 research outputs found

    Test-retest reliability of the magnetic mismatch negativity response to sound duration and omission deviants

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    Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a neurophysiological measure of auditory novelty detection that could serve as a translational biomarker of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia. However, the replicability of its magnetoencephalographic (MEG) counterpart (MMNm) has been insufficiently addressed. In the current study, test-retest reliability of the MMNm response to both duration and omission deviants was evaluated over two MEG sessions in 16 healthy adults. MMNm amplitudes and latencies were obtained at both sensor- and source-level using a cortically-constrained minimum-norm approach. Intraclass correlations (ICC) were derived to assess stability of MEG responses over time. In addition, signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and within-subject statistics were obtained in order to determine MMNm detectability in individual participants. ICC revealed robust values at both sensor- and source-level for both duration and omission MMNm amplitudes (ICC = 0.81-0.90), in particular in the right hemisphere, while moderate to strong values were obtained for duration MMNm and omission MMNm peak latencies (ICC = 0.74-0.88). Duration MMNm was robustly identified in individual participants with high SNR, whereas omission MMNm responses were only observed in half of the participants. Our data indicate that MMNm to unexpected duration changes and omitted sounds are highly reproducible, providing support for the use of MEG-parameters in basic and clinical research

    Low-frequency oscillatory correlates of auditory predictive processing in cortical-subcortical networks: a MEG-study

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    Emerging evidence supports the role of neural oscillations as a mechanism for predictive information processing across large-scale networks. However, the oscillatory signatures underlying auditory mismatch detection and information flow between brain regions remain unclear. To address this issue, we examined the contribution of oscillatory activity at theta/alpha-bands (4–8/8–13 Hz) and assessed directed connectivity in magnetoencephalographic data while 17 human participants were presented with sound sequences containing predictable repetitions and order manipulations that elicited prediction-error responses. We characterized the spectro-temporal properties of neural generators using a minimum-norm approach and assessed directed connectivity using Granger Causality analysis. Mismatching sequences elicited increased theta power and phase-locking in auditory, hippocampal and prefrontal cortices, suggesting that theta-band oscillations underlie prediction-error generation in cortical-subcortical networks. Furthermore, enhanced feedforward theta/alpha-band connectivity was observed in auditory-prefrontal networks during mismatching sequences, while increased feedback connectivity in the alpha-band was observed between hippocampus and auditory regions during predictable sounds. Our findings highlight the involvement of hippocampal theta/alpha-band oscillations towards auditory prediction-error generation and suggest a spectral dissociation between inter-areal feedforward vs. feedback signalling, thus providing novel insights into the oscillatory mechanisms underlying auditory predictive processing

    Largo App

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    This document evaluates the feasibility of LarGo app business proposal. LarGo is a mobile app focused on improving mobile payments at table-service restaurants. Largo’s goal is to improve the dinning experience for both diners and restaurant operators providing a much faster and easy payment solution. The business intent to make profit from the restaurant industry, which sales are forecasted to reach 800billionin2017makingitoneofthebiggestindustriesintheU.S.Asoftoday,thefulltableserviceindustry,includingsinglelocationrestaurantsandchains,generatesover800 billion in 2017 making it one of the biggest industries in the U.S. As of today, the full-table service industry, including single location restaurants and chains, generates over 200 billion in revenue. LarGo app is connected to the Point Of Sale system of the restaurant and allows diners to open and close their check whenever they want. Technologies like these provide restaurants a competitive advantage plus the possibility to grow sales by enhancing seat-turnover and customer satisfaction. Moreover, LarGo app serves as a customer relationship management tool. Restaurants will have the opportunity to gather customer information in order to deliver a more personalized service in the future. The estimated funds needed in order make this project real are projected to be 105.000,andthewholeprelaunchplanwilltake5months.Uponthat,ourtargetistolineup1,000restaurantsbyYear4.Accordingtodifferentassumptionsdescribedinthisdocument,ifweareabletoofferthatamountofrestaurantsourrevenuewillreach105.000, and the whole pre-launch plan will take 5 months. Upon that, our target is to lineup 1,000 restaurants by Year 4. According to different assumptions described in this document, if we are able to offer that amount of restaurants our revenue will reach 2.9 million.Outgoin

    Plan de Autoprotección de una Industria Mediana

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    Un Plan de Autoprotección es un sistema de control y gestión de la seguridad en el desarrollo de las actividades corporativas. No es simplemente una manera efectiva de establecer protocolos de emergencia, sino que también representa una de las bases para la protección civil de nuestro país. El concepto de autoprotección ha sido forjado a lo largo de muchos años y ha experimentado numerosos cambios. Esto se ve reflejado en la legislación vigente, ya que hay una constante referencia a él en las diferentes leyes y reglamentos. Este proyecto es un ejemplo de un Plan de Autoprotección que se ha desarrollado para un evento puntual, la celebración de una fiesta en una de las salas de las que dispone el Palau de Congressos de Cataluña. Todo el procedimiento que se ha seguido para su elaboración se describe en el Decreto 82/2010, de 29 de junio, por el que se aprueba el catálogo de actividades y centros obligados a adoptar medidas de autoprotección y se fija el contenido de estas medidas

    Efectos de diversas modalidades de feedback en el aprendizaje de una tarea motora compleja en el fútbol

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l’efecte agut del feedback visual en vídeo d’alta velocitat en l’aprenentatge d’una habilitat motora complexa en diferents edats. El marc de referència exposa el rol del feedback en les teories de l’aprenentatge motor, diferenciant-lo en feedback intrínsec i extrínsec a través de les seves modalitats, i aprofundeix en el seu efecte en l’aprenentatge observacional visionant-lo a velocitat real i a càmera lenta. Al mateix temps, conceptualitza el terme “habilitat motora”, profunditzant en la seva especificitat fins a arribar a l’habilitat tècnica, habilitat motora complexa pròpia de l’esport. L’habilitat tècnica del xut en el futbol s’acull com a exemple d’aquesta última i es concreten les variables biomecàniques del seu patró d’execució per realitzar-lo veloç i precís. Per portar a terme la investigació es va realitzar un experiment en el qual el participant havia de xutar una pilota en moviment cap a una diana objectiu. D’aquesta habilitat motora complexa es va valorar l’estabilitat del coeficient de variació de les variables biomecàniques i el rendiment obtingut de la combinació de la velocitat de desplaçament de la pilota i la precisió del llançament en funció de l’edat del subjecte. Durant la realització de l’experiment es va subministrar feedback visual en vídeo d’alta velocitat i verbal entre intents al grup experimental. Es va comprovar el seu efecte agut en l’aprenentatge motor en adolescents (Estudi 1), en nens (Estudi 2) i entre ambdós grups (Estudi 3). També es va comparar amb el feedback visual en vídeo a velocitat real (Estudi 2). Els resultats indiquen que el feedback visual en vídeo d’alta velocitat té un efecte agut positiu en el rendiment en la fase pràctica tant en adolescents com en nens, mostrant un major impacte en el segon grup. Aquest no es manté en la fase de retenció, sent l’afecte agut del feedback visual en vídeo a velocitat real el que obté millors resultats. De la mateixa manera, també modifica el patró motor de l’habilitat tècnica del xut. L’estabilitat del coeficient de variació de les variables biomecàniques varia segons el grup d’edat.Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el efecto agudo del feedback visual en vídeo de alta velocidad en el aprendizaje de una habilidad motora compleja en diferentes edades. El marco de referencia reseña el rol del feedback en las teorías del aprendizaje motor, diferenciándolo en feedback intrínseco y extrínseco a través de sus modalidades, y ahonda en su efecto en el aprendizaje observacional, visionándolo a velocidad real y a cámara lenta. Al mismo tiempo, conceptualiza el término “habilidad motora”, profundizando en su especificidad hasta llegar a la habilidad técnica, habilidad motora compleja propia del deporte. La habilidad técnica del chute en el fútbol se acoge como ejemplo de esta última y se concretan las variables biomecánicas de su patrón de ejecución para realizarlo veloz y preciso. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se realizó un experimento en el que el participante debía chutar una pelota en movimiento hacia una diana objetivo. De esta habilidad motora compleja se valoró la estabilidad del coeficiente de variación de las variables biomecánicas y el rendimiento obtenido de la combinación de la velocidad de desplazamiento de la pelota y la precisión del lanzamiento en función de la edad del sujeto. Durante la realización del experimento se suministró al grupo experimental, entre un ensayo y otro, feedback visual en vídeo de alta velocidad y verbal. Se comprobó su efecto agudo en el aprendizaje motor en adolescentes (Estudio 1), en niños (Estudio 2) y entre ambos grupos (Estudio 3). También se comparó con el feedback visual en vídeo a velocidad real (Estudio 2). Los resultados indican que el feedback visual en vídeo de alta velocidad tiene un efecto agudo positivo en el rendimiento en la fase práctica tanto en adolescentes como en niños, mostrando un mayor impacto en el segundo grupo. Este no se mantiene en la fase retención, siendo el efecto agudo del feedback visual en vídeo a velocidad real el que obtiene mejores resultados. Del mismo modo, también modifica el patrón motor de la habilidad técnica del chute. La estabilidad del coeficiente de variación de las variables biomecánicas varía según el grupo de edad.This PhD dissertation is focused on the acute effect of high-speed video visual feedback in the learning process of a complex motor skill at different ages. The theoretical framework emphasizes the role of feedback in motor learning theories, making a clear distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic feedback according to its characteristics, and explores its effect on observational learning depending on whether it is used in real or slow motion. At the same time, it defines the notion of complex motor skill, looking into the concept of “technical skill”, a specific sport’s complex motor skill. This research proposes football kicking as an example of this motor skill and offers a description of the different biomechanical variables at stake in the execution pattern of powerful and precise kicking. In order to conduct the investigation, a test was designed in which a participant had to put into practice the complex motor skill of kicking towards a target. In the present study, the stability of motor pattern based on the lack of variation of certain biomechanical variables, and the performance resulting from the speed of the ball as well as the accuracy of the kick and depending on the age of the subject, were assessed. During the execution of the task each experimental group was provided with high-speed video visual feedback as well as verbal feedback, between trials. The acute effects of such types of feedback upon motor learning among teenagers (Study 1), kids (Study 2) and both groups (Study 3) was demonstrated. This impact was also compared with real speed video feedback (Study 2). The results indicate that high-speed video visual feedback has an acute positive effect on the performance during the practice phase on both teenagers and children, yet with a greater impact on the second group. However, this effect did not occur in the retention phase, during which real speed video feedback provides the best results. Similarly, it also modifies the motor pattern of the kicking technical skill. The motor pattern stability of the biomechanical variables varies depending on the age group

    The Drunkard's Odometry: Estimating Camera Motion in Deforming Scenes

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    Estimating camera motion in deformable scenes poses a complex and open research challenge. Most existing non-rigid structure from motion techniques assume to observe also static scene parts besides deforming scene parts in order to establish an anchoring reference. However, this assumption does not hold true in certain relevant application cases such as endoscopies. Deformable odometry and SLAM pipelines, which tackle the most challenging scenario of exploratory trajectories, suffer from a lack of robustness and proper quantitative evaluation methodologies. To tackle this issue with a common benchmark, we introduce the Drunkard's Dataset, a challenging collection of synthetic data targeting visual navigation and reconstruction in deformable environments. This dataset is the first large set of exploratory camera trajectories with ground truth inside 3D scenes where every surface exhibits non-rigid deformations over time. Simulations in realistic 3D buildings lets us obtain a vast amount of data and ground truth labels, including camera poses, RGB images and depth, optical flow and normal maps at high resolution and quality. We further present a novel deformable odometry method, dubbed the Drunkard's Odometry, which decomposes optical flow estimates into rigid-body camera motion and non-rigid scene deformations. In order to validate our data, our work contains an evaluation of several baselines as well as a novel tracking error metric which does not require ground truth data. Dataset and code: https://davidrecasens.github.io/TheDrunkard'sOdometry

    Selección de puntos homólogos (landmarks) y equidistantes (semilandmarks) en peces para análisis de morfometría geométrica: un estudio comparativo basado en métodos analíticos

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    We applied and compared three different sets of landmarks and semilandmarks commonly used in studies of fish assemblages to identify a standardized method of landmark selection that includes the maximum amount of morphological information of species. The different landmark-based methods used produced differences regarding the distribution of case-study species within the morphospace. We suggest that adding landmarks and semilandmarks that provide more specific information about anatomical structures with important roles in the biology of species, such as transformed fins or sensory organs, contributes to a clearer differentiation of species within the morphospace and a better interpretation of their occupancy. In addition, three types of method were used to establish how species are distributed within morphospace. The results demonstrated that aggregation points methods, including analyses based on quadrants or distances, are more appropriate for this purpose than indices of morphological disparity. The results also confirmed that although numerical methods are needed to test the statistical significance of outcomes, graphical methods provide a more intuitive interpretation of morphospace occupancy. The kernel density and Gabriel graph were useful to infer the morphospace zone where species are more densely grouped, improving the knowledge of space occupancy and structural complexity of fish assemblages.En el presente estudio se compara la estructura de una comunidad de peces a partir del análisis morfológico de puntos homólogos (landmarks) y equidistantes (semilandmarks) en las especies de dicha comunidad. Para este propósito, se utilizaron tres metodologías distintas descritas en la literatura a la hora de definir dichos puntos con el fin de identificar cuál de ellas incluía la máxima cantidad de información morfológica posible sobre las especies. Las tres opciones proporcionaron diferentes resultados en relación a la distribución de las especies dentro del morfoespacio. Los resultados sugirieron que la incorporación de puntos que proporcionen información más específica sobre estructuras anatómicas que tienen papeles importantes en la biología de las especies, como aletas modificadas u órganos sensoriales, contribuye a una diferenciación más clara de las especies y a una mejor interpretación de la ocupación del morfoespacio. Adicionalmente, varios métodos numéricos y gráficos se emplearon con el fin de establecer cómo las especies se distribuyen dentro del morfoespacio. Los resultados demostraron que los métodos de agregación de puntos, incluyendo análisis basados en cuadrantes o distancias, fueron más apropiados para este propósito que los índices de disparidad morfológica. Además, los resultados también confirmaron que aunque los métodos numéricos fueron necesarios para evaluar la significancia estadística de los mismos, los métodos gráficos proporcionaron una interpretación más intuitiva y clara de la distribución de las especies dentro del morfoespacio. La densidad de Kernel y los gráficos de Gabriel se mostraron muy útiles a la hora de deducir la zona del morfoespacio donde las especies estaban más densamente agrupadas, hecho que ayudó a mejorar el conocimiento de la ocupación del espacio y de la complejidad estructural en comunidades de peces

    Efectos sobre la composición faunística y características poblacionales de crustáceos decápodos posteriormente a la implementación de una zona cerrada a la pesca en el Mediterráneo noroccidental

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    The establishment of fisheries no-take areas is considered an effective method for the recovery of populations of exploited species and their habitats. Here we study the faunistic composition of decapod crustaceans after the implementation of a no-take area in the Gulf of Roses (NW Mediterranean) in 2014. We studied the occurrence (presence/absence) and density of all decapod crustaceans sampled by trawling inside and outside a no-take area from March 2015 to July 2018. Sizes were assessed for all common species. A total of 33 species of decapod crustaceans were recorded. Four species showed significantly higher occurrences in the no-take area and three in the open area, while significantly higher densities were found for four species in the no-take area and three in the open area. Multivariate analysis showed marked differences between the no-take area and the open area, while also showing that the two areas were undergoing a divergence. The comparison of sizes between the two zones showed species-specific patterns that in many cases showed that both the smallest and the largest individuals were present in the no-take area, suggesting that the closing of this area would be important for recruitment and juvenile development, as well as for protection of large-sized individuals. All evidence indicates that the establishment of the no-take area has led to an improvement in biodiversity and species population descriptors.La creación de áreas restringidas a la pesca se considera un método efectivo para la recuperación de las poblaciones de especies comerciales y sus hábitats. En el presente trabajo se estudia la composición faunística referente a los crustáceos decápodos después de la implementación de un área cerrada a la pesca en el golfo de Roses en 2014. Se han estudiado las pautas de presencia y abundancia de los crustáceos decápodos muestreados con arte de arrastre comercial en el interior y exterior del área cerrada a la pesca entre marzo 2015 y julio 2018. Se detectó un total de 33 especies de crustáceos decápodos. Tanto en las presencias como en las abundancias se detectaron diferencias significativas entre las dos zonas. Se determinó la talla individual de los individuos capturados o de una submuestra. Cuatro especies mostraron una presencia significativamente mayor en el área cerrada a la pesca, mientras que tres lo hicieron en el área abierta. Respecto a las densidades, cuatro especies mostraron valores significativamente mayores en el área protegida, mientras que tres lo hicieron en la abierta. Un análisis multivariante mostró claramente la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las dos zonas, mostrando también que las dos áreas se encuentran en proceso de divergencia. La comparación de tallas entre las dos zonas presentó pautas específicas para cada especie que mayoritariamente indicaron que tanto los individuos de menor talla como los de mayor talla se presentaban en el área cerrada a la pesca, sugiriendo que el cierre de esta zona sería relevante para el reclutamiento y desarrollo juvenil, así como para la protección de los ejemplares de mayor talla. Las evidencias indican que el establecimiento del área cerrada a la pesca está implicando un proceso de conservación de la biodiversidad y mejora del estado de las poblaciones presentes

    Impairment in predictive processes during auditory mismatch negativity in ScZ: evidence from event-related fields

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    Patients with schizophrenia (ScZ) show pronounced dysfunctions in auditory perception but the underlying mechanisms as well as the localization of the deficit remain unclear. To examine these questions, the current study examined whether alterations in the neuromagnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) in ScZ-patients could involve an impairment in sensory predictions in local sensory and higher auditory areas. Using a whole-head MEG-approach, we investigated the MMNm as well as P300m and N100m amplitudes during a hierarchical auditory novelty paradigm in 16 medicated ScZ-patients and 16 controls. In addition, responses to omitted sounds were investigated, allowing for a critical test of the predictive coding hypothesis. Source-localization was performed to identify the generators of the MMNm, omission responses as well as the P300m. Clinical symptoms were examined with the positive and negative syndrome scale. Event-related fields (ERFs) to standard sounds were intact in ScZ-patients. However, the ScZ-group showed a reduction in the amplitude of the MMNm during both local (within trials) and global (across trials) conditions as well as an absent P300m at the global level. Importantly, responses to sound omissions were reduced in ScZ-patients which overlapped both in latency and generators with the MMNm sources. Thus, our data suggest that auditory dysfunctions in ScZ involve impaired predictive processes that involve deficits in both automatic and conscious detection of auditory regularities

    Towards a neurodynamical understanding of the prodrome in schizophrenia

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    The identification of biomarkers for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia that could inform novel treatment developments is an important objective of current research. This paper will summarize recent work that has investigated changes in oscillatory activity and event-related potentials with Electro/Magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG) in participants at high-risk for the development of schizophrenia, highlighting disruptions in sensory and cognitive operations prior to the onset of the syndrome. Changes in EEG/MEG-data are consistent with evidence for alterations in Glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission as disclosed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and brain stimulation, indicating changes in Excitation/Inhibition Parameters prior to the onset of psychosis. Together these data emphasize the importance of research into neuronal dynamics as a crucial approach to establish functional relationships between impairments in neural circuits and emerging psychopathology that together could be fundamental for early intervention and the identification of novel treatments for emerging psychosis